Back to the good old ways: unglamorous but nutrient-dense goodness

Back to the good old ways: unglamorous but nutrient-dense goodness

Because I blog about diet and health I occasionally get approached to endorse a product – a supplement, diet regime or miracle cure of some sort. I always say no because for many modern health problems the best way to maintain or return to health is to give our body...
Workplace cake, the NHS and Covid-19

Workplace cake, the NHS and Covid-19

How can we help the NHS and key workers stay healthy during the coronavirus pandemic? I had the pleasure of discussing this yesterday with Steve Bennett and Dr Dan Maggs on The Food Bank Show on Youtube. You can watch the programme here:...
Ten ways to support your immune system

Ten ways to support your immune system

One of the difficult things about the coronavirus outbreak is the feeling of inevitability of its spread and that there’s nothing we can do about it. We’re not used to such lack of control and it’s alarming. The good news is that there’s plenty you can do in...