Lou Walker Health Coaching
Weight loss without hungerWant to lose weight without feeling hungry all the time? Or regain your va va voom? Are you ready to take the first step?
Hello! I’m Lou Walker, a health coach registered with the UK & International Health Coaches Association and the Nutrition Network. I help clients transform their health using real food and realistic lifestyle changes so they can live life to the full. I have a particular interest in weight management using a low carb, real food lifestyle approach that can flex to your preferences and goals… without the hunger that comes with most diets.
We start with where you are now and what’s important to you. For example, while what we eat affects every aspect of our health, tackling stress might make more sense to you, or getting more sleep (both can affect your weight). All these things are linked, so making a change in one aspect of life will usually pay dividends elsewhere. The important thing is to start somewhere.
Your body is amazing. When we improve our health and get our fantastic bodies working like the well-oiled machines they strive to be, healing, weight loss, extra energy, and even happiness can follow. Everyone deserves that! Especially you.
“Lou has completely transformed my life. As an international age-group athlete, I had recently put on weight due to various stress and health issues and went to Lou for help with dietary advice and hopefully weight loss. Thanks to Lou’s guidance, expertise and coaching, not only has the weight come off, I have more energy, I’m more alert, focused, and I’m getting better sleep. Plus, as an unexpected bonus, my rheumatoid arthritis is now in remission, I’m off my medication completely, and getting back into training! Thank you so much, Lou!”
I got in touch with Lou at a sensitive and vulnerable time. I needed clear, strong guidance to cut through the health and wellness noise so I could feel empowered to start taking positive action for myself. Lou was exactly the person for the job – she is supportive, approachable, highly informed, and clearly passionate about health. Lou’s approach was science-based and educational but did not lack an important holistic touch. I felt very well cared during our sessions as well as encouraged as we discussed a range of topics from metabolic health to behavioural change and even the benefits of cold water swimming! The sessions were always throughly enjoyable and engaging. I left with many huge shifts in perpective along with a newfound sense of confidence in my ability to look after myself. I am very grateful to Lou for her input.

Is a health coach right for me?
- I want to lose weight… but finding a diet I can stick to is hard and I keep falling off the wagon.
- I know how to lose weight… but actually doing it so it fits into real life is a nightmare.
- I need to lose weight but I have no willpower/I like bread too much/I don’t have time/my friends or family or colleagues keep leading me astray.
- I want to do what I can to be healthy, but I’m really confused about all the conflicting advice out there. Sometimes it’s seems easier to do nothing.
- I’m tired of worrying about my health/weight/stress levels. I just want to be healthy and get on with life.
- I’m doing all the right things… but I’m still not losing weight!
- I’d like to see if I can improve my health without [any more] medication.
- My doctor has said I can improve my health if I change my diet and lifestyle… but I’m not sure what that means or what to do.
- I keep hearing about people having success with a low carb/real food/whole food/Mediterranean diet but I’m not sure what it is or how to go about it.
- I’m pretty healthy but am interested in how I can stay that way, now that I’m getting older/menopausal/have osteoarthritis.
If any of these statements strike a chord, get in touch for a free 30-min chat to explore how I can help you be in charge of your health. A health coach will help you work out what’s important to you, develop the skills you need and reveal your own very real inner strengths to rely on along the way.
Find out more about my approach to helping clients feel fabulous. As a UK & International Health Coaches Association member, I work within the UKIHCA Scope of Practice guidelines.
“Health coaching with Lou has certainly changed my attitude towards food and cleared up the confusion spread by a lot of mainstream influencers. After the initial 5kg weight loss, I’ve not really been worried about what the scales say as I just feel a lot better and starting to feel lighter without chasing numbers.”
“Lou has been great, really friendly and easy to talk to. Helped me understand my goals and how I can get there!”
“I think that as soon as someone has a diagnosis of pre-diabetes then they should be offered this course!! It’s a LIFESAVER.“
“From confirming the rights to correcting the wrongs in my diet, Lou helped me tailor what I eat to the way I work every day. My main goal throughout the sessions was to boost energy at work and improve sleep, both of which have improved massively since starting.”
What is health coaching?
A powerful way of working that can transform you on your own terms
Health coaching is an exploratory process that supports you as you take back control of your health.
A conversation that taps into your inner strengths
Everyone has the capacity for change and you are the expert in your own life. Health coaching taps into that expertise and empowers you to find your way to better health. To write your own health prescription, if you like.
A learning process that cuts through the confusion and builds confidence
There is no ‘one size fits all’ in health. A health coach helps you discover what YOU need to do for YOU, with a mix of curiosity, questioning (in both directions!) and exploration to build knowledge, skills, motivation and confidence.
A rewarding way to challenge and overcome unhelpful thinking
No journey is without potholes in the road. A health coach helps you recognise, confront and overcome the self limiting beliefs and self-sabotage that might have stopped you achieving your goals in the past.
An open-minded, non-judgemental process that meets you where you are
No expectations, no pre-set pathways, no right or wrong. You choose the starting point, the direction and the process.
Weight loss
Whether it’s a few pounds or something more substantial, I can help, safely and effectively, without you feeling deprived or miserable.
Increase energy
Sleep, diet, exercise, stress levels can all affect so many aspects of life and health. Take the first step to feeling like the real you…
Diet and nutrition check
Want to know whether you’re getting the nutrients you need? Nutrition analysis will spot any adjustments you might need to make.
Corporate health & wellbeing
One-to-one health coaching, workshops, talks. How can you make it easy for your employees to be healthy at work?
How it works
Book a free discovery call
Get in touch to arrange a free 30-min call (phone, Zoom or Skype) to find out more about health coaching and how it could help you.
Choose a coaching plan
Discuss with Lou what approach is right for you. The list below is not exhaustive but gives you some ideas of how we can work together.
Reach your goals
I’m in your corner! So with your hard work and my support, you’ll reach your goals and be healthier and happier! Success!
Choose a coaching plan
Six sessions over three months
A series of sessions spaced to give you time to make changes, experiment and see results. Research shows that new habits and behaviours start to become embedded in three months. The first session is 90 mins, with subsequent sessions 60 mins.
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In the first session (90 mins) we’ll explore what you want to achieve, agree some goals to help you get there and plan your first steps. In subsequent sessions (60 mins) we’ll work together to monitor progress, find out what works and tweak what doesn’t. You’ll have access to resources and support between sessions.
During the coronavirus outbreak, ideally we’d talk via Zoom, although phoning is also possible. There is no cost to you for Zoom.
Six sessions over three months for two people
A series of sessions for you and a partner or friend. Sharing the journey and supporting each other can make the whole process more enjoyable and effective. This works particularly well if you both have similar goals. The first session is 90 mins, with subsequent sessions 60 mins.
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In the first session we’ll explore what you both want to achieve, agree some goals to help you get there and plan your first steps. In subsequent sessions we’ll work together to monitor progress, find out what works and tweak what doesn’t. You’ll have access to resources and support between sessions.
Sessions will be on Zoom.
Six sessions over three months for three people
A series of sessions for you and two others. Sharing the journey can help with motivation and makes it excellent value. Having similar goals helps. The first session is 90 mins, subsequent sessions 60 mins.
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A great discount, with three for the price of two! In the first session we’ll explore what you want to achieve, agree some goals to help you get there and plan your first steps. In subsequent sessions we’ll work together to monitor progress, find out what works and tweak what doesn’t. You’ll have access to resources and support between sessions.
Our sessions will be via Zoom. There is no cost to you for Zoom.
Three sessions over three months
Three sessions, one a month, spaced to give you time to make changes, experiment and see results. Ideal if you feel fairly confident or that you just need a bit of support to help you achieve your goals. The first session is 90 mins, subsequent sessions 60 mins.
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In the first session we’ll explore what you want to achieve, agree some goals to help you get there and plan your first steps. In subsequent sessions we’ll work together to monitor progress, find out what works and tweak what doesn’t. You’ll have access to resources and support between sessions.
During the coronavirus outbreak ideally we’d talk via Zoom, although phoning is also possible. There is no cost to you for Zoom.
One-off coaching session (90 mins)
A single session to explore any aspects of health you’re interested in. Ideally we’d meet via Zoom, although phoning is possible, too. There is no cost to you from Zoom.
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If as a result of this session you decide to invest in a longer package, the fee for this session will contribute to the rate for the package you choose.
Corporate health coaching
A range of services tailored for your organisation to boost health and wellbeing with all the advantages that brings: 1:1 health coaching, workshops, health audit, talks on diet, exercise, sleep, stress, reducing sedentary behaviour. Sessions can be run by Zoom or your remote conferencing arrangements.
Ask me about my research on how your food offering, vending or cake culture could be affecting your health and wellbeing investment.
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Please contact me to find out more.